Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hallo Halloween......

Candles - Candles - Candles ....
I love candles, well who doesn't ... they just make everything so much cozier especially around the holidays and since it is almost Halloween I thought this idea would be cute little fun project 

You will need:
  • Several small & big glass cups (check your local Dollar stores)
  • Orange translucent paper 
  • White translucent paper
  • Black craft paper
  • Scissors 
  • Glue 
  • Tea light candles 

    .... and here is how you do it 
  • Take the orange translucent paper and glue it around the small glass cups
  • Next take your black craft paper and cut out little Pumpkins, Ghost's or Witches then glue them on top of the now orange glass cup
  • Then take the white translucent paper and wrap it around the big glass cups (If you have one of those "zick-zack scissors" you can use them to cut the top of the translucent paper)
  • Place a tea light candle inside the small glass cup and place the small glass cup inside the big glass cup.
 *** Voila - all done ***