Friday, May 11, 2012

There is something about a wall of 
Pictures & Memories that move....

I mean literally... a movable wall of Pictures & Memories :)
If that isn't unique or cool then I don't know what is! 

Because this is one of those "Do it Yourself'er" Projects...
which wont break the bank or require any super skills :)


Check out the step by step instructions below 
You will see how easy and fun this project is....

Step 1: 
Your Shopping list.... 
  • One (1) large Particle Board (Plywood) aprx. 48" x 60"
    (thick enough to avoid bending)
  • Three (3) - 4' ft Baseboard Mouldings (untreated)
  • Primer Paint
  • Acrylic Paint in any color of your choice (for Particle Board) 
  • Small bottle of Acrylic Paint (Stencil design)
  • Sandpaper
  • Paint brush, Paint roller, Stencil Brush,
  • Bowl for Stencil Paint
  • Stencil (*Some Thing & *Nice)
  • Screws

Step 2: 
Sand down the large board and the untreated baseboard moulding pieces... that way the following layer of paint goes on easier

Step 3:
Prime all wood pieces with Primer Paint... let everything dry

Next paint everything with your favorite color paint (Acrylic) - like the main picture you can use two different colors - one main color for the board and another color for your shelving pieces...
Step 5:
Once all the paint is dried position your first Stencil (Some Thing...) 
...Secure it firmly in place with masking tape. Next pour a small amount of paint on a plate, dip only the tips of your bristles into the paint and remove any excess paint on a paper towel until the brush is "dry"... too much paint on the brush causes blotchy designs

Step 5: 
Screw the three wood moulding pieces onto the Particle Board about 15" inches apart...

Step 6: 
Finally decorate your new Picture Wall with your all time favorite   Photos and Memorabilia's

Voila - all done....